Tag Archives: Cybersecurity risks

Managed Cybersecurity

Stay Protected with Managed Cybersecurity Services

Cyberattacks are among the most serious threats that businesses today are facing. As technology evolves, so do these online threats that target businesses of all sizes. There are many ways to protect your data and your network, like using a reliable anti-malware program or regularly educating your s...
social engineering tactics

How Hackers Use Social Engineering Tactics in Phishing Scams

Social engineering is quite a buzzword these days in the world of cybersecurity. But what is it, and why are businesses so afraid of it? It is a form of hacking that uses deception and manipulation to get victims to divulge information. Companies have reason to be fearful because social engineering ...
Cybersecurity Insurance

Why Cybersecurity Insurance Matters

As businesses move forward into a digital environment, cybersecurity insurance becomes even more crucial as online threats grow more advanced. Before, hackers only targeted large, high-revenue corporations since they had the money and the valuable information. But statistics show that over 40% of re...
what Is BDR

What Is BDR and How Does It Impact Business?

Businesses these days conduct most of their processes digitally. On one hand, this is great because it speeds up transactions, improves data accuracy, and so on, allowing for faster and more efficient IT business development. But the heavy reliance on digital data brings new risks of data loss or da...
Technology in Businesses in 2023

The Role of Technology in Businesses in 2023

Technology has always played a key role in businesses across different industries in 2023. But recently, this role has grown even more because IT is used more and more in businesses around the world. To draw more customers and stay ahead of the competition, you should understand all the changes and ...