Tag Archives: Technology

Steps to Take to Prevent AI

The Steps to Take to Prevent AI from Being Used Against You

Artificial intelligence has dramatically changed how we run our businesses, mostly for the better. Unfortunately, AI has also brought us bigger and far more alarming security risks, since hackers are now using this technology for their nefarious purposes. In fact, there has been a significant jump i...
AI to Breach Businesses

Real-Life Examples of How AI Was Used to Breach Businesses

There has been a lot of talk recently, about how hackers are leveraging AI to breach businesses. Hackers can sneak their way in more easily with these new algorithms used in social engineering.  Unfortunately, these are no longer just theoretical discussions. We have reached a point where AI-po...
Steal Personal Information

7 Ways AI Can Be Used by Hackers to Steal Personal Information

Data breaches are now more rampant than ever to steal personal information. Each month sees at least 150 incidents that affect businesses, and these only account for the reported cases. One reason hackers can execute data breaches so easily is because of modern technology, like artificial intelligen...
Ai and cyber attacks

Why Businesses Should Be Concerned about AI and Cyber Attacks

Hacking methodologies have improved over the years. The moment a new IT program or algorithm becomes known, cybercriminals are right on it, immediately looking for ways to use these developments to their advantage. This is especially true in the realm of AI and cyber attacks. While artificial intell...
Cybersecurity compliance

Role of Cybersecurity Training in Compliance and Risk Reduction

The primary reason for training employees on cybersecurity is to protect the organization from online attacks. But there are many other reasons you should embark on security awareness training. It is also important for customer reassurance, employee wellbeing, and, our topic for this post, cybersecu...
social engineering tactics

How Hackers Use Social Engineering Tactics in Phishing Scams

Social engineering is quite a buzzword these days in the world of cybersecurity. But what is it, and why are businesses so afraid of it? It is a form of hacking that uses deception and manipulation to get victims to divulge information. Companies have reason to be fearful because social engineering ...
spot social engineering

Training Employees to Spot Social Engineering

Social engineering is one of the newest methods hackers use to access sensitive information. Rather than attacking a system directly, this technique relies on human psychology to gain information. This method is brilliant when you think about it because it does not have to deal with going past ironc...
Phishing Scam Tactics

Top 8 Phishing Scam Tactics and How to Identify Them

Phishing has been a common hacking method for over two decades now. You would think that everyone would already know how it works and how to avoid becoming a victim, right? Sadly, that is not the case for these Phishing Scam Tactics. There are more victims now than ever. In 2022, there were more tha...